Pandora Announces Voice-Enabled Ads Powered by Instreamatic

Pandora announced an agreement with, the platform for voice-enabled ads that allows media companies and advertisers to measure, manage, and monetize audio content by utilizing interactive voice AI technology. The two companies made an agreement to test interactive voice advertising.

Instreamatic explained how their voice-enabled ads work:

One of Instreamatic’s capabilities is voice AI that harnesses natural language understanding (NLU), enabling customer conversations to go far beyond “yes or no” interactions. Instreamatic’s AI functionality is also designed to study, interpret, and understand user intent, and continuously refines this understanding through deep learning mechanisms.

In this way, the platform continues to learn and increase its vocabulary and predictive power. By anticipating intent – sometimes even before the user speaks – the platform is built to iteratively improve both consumers’ ad experiences and the performance of ad campaigns.

In addition, Instreamatic’s technology enables each interaction to be carefully measured in order to deliver meaningful ad metrics that inform campaign strategy and drive ad spend decisions.

TechCrunch reported that Pandora’s new voice ads will allow listeners to respond by speaking aloud – either to get more information about the product being advertised, or to skip the ad if it’s not of interest.

The beta test of Instreamatic’s platform for voice-enabled ads will launch sometime later this year.