Stitcher Releases New Embeddable Podcast Player

PStitcher Radioodcast aggregation and streaming app Stitcher has released a new embeddable audio player. Stitcher describes its so-called sPlayer as, “An easily embeddable player that makes it easier than ever for your audience to listen to your show on your website.” The new player can be used to create a multi-episode playback system that’s optimized for mobile compatibility and the look of the player can be customized.

The new player will also incorporate Sitcher’s handy Listen Later feature, so listeners can add episodes from your player to a queue inside of Stitcher for future playback. Social-sharing features are built in to the player, making it easy to share your episodes across different social networks.

Stitcher is touting the mobile compatibility of the player:

“Stitcher understands more and more people are visiting websites from mobile devices so we designed our player to be completely mobile optimized. The player will resize itself to ensure a great user-experience on any mobile webpage and still include all of its great features.”

I tested out the sPlayer by adding it to a page on my podcast’s website and then visiting that page on my iPad. Stitcher’s player loaded quickly and allowed me to play the most recent episode without having to do anything else.

If you want to try out the new sPlayer for yourself, log in to your Stitcher account thru their Partner Portal and click on the “Get the Player” button underneath your show’s listing. Select the player you’d like to use from the popup menu and then copy the HTML at the bottom of that window into your website. That’s it! Now you have a convenient multi-episode player on your website.

Posted by Shawn Thorpe

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