Blubrry Announces new One-Click Solution for Android Devices

Blubrry LogoThe one-click method for podcast subscriptions has been supported by Apple ever since the company added podcasting to iTunes. That one-click convenience then carried over to iOS and the Podcasts app. And while this has been great for users of these Apple applications, Android users haven’t been so lucky. That is, until now.

Today, podcast hosting and services provider Blubrry released its new one-click subscription solution for Android devices. From the Blubrry blog:

…Android Listeners will be able to One Click subscribe to podcasts. One of two actions will occur when you implement One Click on your website.

1. If the listener has a one click supported app on their mobile phone the App will automatically load and the listener will subscribe.
2. If they do not have an app they will be sent to your personalized page. Your show info and Album art will be displayed and below that will be list of One Click enabled applications of which the listener can install and start enjoying your show.
3. Get your embed code for your site by putting your podcast feed URL in the feed submission box on website.

Existing users of Blubrry’s popular PowerPress plugin for WordPress will be able to easily implement the one-click subscription option for Android by activating the PowerPress sidebar subscription widget. Podcasters using other platforms will easily be able to add one-click codes to their websites with a simple copy/paste from the Subscribe on Android website. Blubrry also partnered with the developer of Android podcasting app Podcast Addict to ensure the new one-click subscription option would work smoothly upon launch.

Visit Blubrry’s dedicated Subscribe on Android website (linked above) to learn more about how you can add this new feature to your own website.

Disclosure: Blubrry CEO Todd Cochrane is Executive Editor of Podcaster News and I work part-time with the Blubrry support team.