Cleanfeed is a Broadcast-Quality alternative to Skype

Cleanfeed logoRecording remote interviews can be a real challenge for podcasters. Tools have been around for years to help with the process. But sometimes those tools are unreliable or unpredictable in terms of performance. A lot of services have moved into this field recently, to try and make the process of recording VoIP easier. The latest entrant is Cleanfeed, a service that carries the tagline, “Broadcast-quality audio links are now available to everyone.”

Cleanfeed describes itself as:

…an easy-to-use live audio link in your Chrome browser. Only one party needs an account and there are no confusing costs; just share a link. A higher quality alternative to on-air phonecalls, Skype and expensive ISDN.

Cleanfeed is free to use, even for commercial broadcasters. (The Cleanfeed site does suggest that large media organizers contact the service for a “bespoke license.”) Cleafeed claims it’s a good tool for  podcasters, professional broadcasters, voice artists, community radio stations, and other audio producers.

Is Cleanfeed the VoIP solution podcasters have been waiting for? Its relative ease of use will definitely be attractive, especially for podcasters who need to connect with remote parties that aren’t very tech savvy. Have you used Cleanfeed? Let us know in the comment section below!