PodCon is a ‘Popup Conference’ on October 8

Blab logoPodCon, an online only event that describes itself as a “pop up conference for podcasters and podcast junkies” is happening in less than 24 hours. The conference will take place via Blab, the online video conferencing platform that has become very popular with podcasters.

PodCon will host a “handful” of speakers:

  • John Lee Dumas of Entrepreneur On Fire
  • Veronica Belmont of Sword and Laser
  • Rob Cesternino of Rob Has a Podcast
  • Helen Zaltsman of Answer Me This!
  • Brett Terpstra of Systematic Podcast
  • Elsie Escobar of She Podcasts
  • Ray Ortega of The Podcasters Studio
  • Espree Devora of We Are L.A. Tech
  • Chris Brogan, social media maven
  • Jessica Kupferman of She Podcasts
  • Darren Rowse of Problogger

The conference starts as 12PM PDT and will consist of a series of 30-minute sessions, ending at 4PM PDT. PodCon is free to attend. If you’d like to participate, the PodCon website asksĀ that you RSVP. You can do so by following the link at the top of this post.