How to Evaluate a Health Podcast

medical symbolPodcasts that focus on health, or that give listeners health related advice, are becoming popular. Everyone wants to have good health. It can be tempting to start doing whatever a random podcaster said you should do – especially if the suggestion appears to be easy to do. Before you make any changes regarding your health, you should take a moment to evaluate the health podcast itself.

Is the podcaster selling something?
The podcaster tells you that he or she had bad health – until they started using a particular product. It just so happens that the podcaster can sell some of that product to you. How convenient!

It is entirely possible that the podcaster really did get a good benefit from the product they want to sell to you. Keep in mind that they are giving you a biased review of the product, and that the podcaster is not offering any alternative viewpoints of it.

Is the podcast about health related apps?
These types of health related podcasts are safe. What you are getting is a personal review of an app that you might have been considering purchasing. In general, these types of podcasts cover the functions of each app, and compare similar ones to each other.

In other words, the podcaster is pointing out tools that can help you count calories or track the number of steps you took in a given day. If you are already walking and/or counting calories, the apps the podcaster suggests could be a helpful tool that you can use continue doing something you already made the choice to do.

Is the podcast focused on “one simple trick”?
The health related podcast you listened to states that you can live longer, or look younger, or have more energy, or quickly lose weight, if you do this one special thing. Typically, the “one simple trick” the podcaster suggests is not going to actually improve anyone’s health. These podcasts are the equivalent of the questionable ads that collect at the bottom of less-than-credible websites.

Is the health suggestion too good to be true?
Stay away from health podcasts that suggest that a medication, an essential oil, an herbal remedy, or a special diet, can cure cancer. No matter what that podcaster is discussing (or selling) it cannot possibly do what the podcaster claims it can. Be wary of podcasts that suggest that their advice can cure diseases or conditions that medical science has not found a cure for.

Is the podcaster a health practitioner with the proper certifications?
It is important to note the background of the podcaster who is making health related suggestions on his or her show. Is that person a doctor? Does that person have the proper credentials and certifications? Is the podcaster discussing topics that are within the wheelhouse of what he or she went to school for and is now practicing? If things don’t match up – what you are getting is little more than some random, unqualified, uncertified, person’s opinion about health.