Podcast Awards Reveals New Categories

Podcast Awards logoThe People’s Choice Podcast Awards are in the process of updating the website and making changes to many different aspects of the awards. There is a GoFundMe in place to help with expenses. Recently, new categories were revealed for the 11th Annual Podcast Awards.

The categories for the Podcast Awards are an important organizational tool. It helps break up the nominated podcasts so that they are being compared with podcasts that are similar in topic. Personally, I find it easier to compare a “like vs like” grouping of podcasts than to try and figure out the best ones from a grouping of a wide variety of topics.

Here are the Categories for the 2016 Podcast Awards (and their descriptions):

* Peoples Choice – The Best Podcast in the Universe!

* Arts – Design, Fashion, Food, Literature

* Business – Careers, Investing, Management, Marketing

* Comedy – The Funniest Shows on the Internet!

* Education – Ed Tech, K-12, Language, Training

* Entertainment – Entertains us with Creative Genus.

* Games & Hobbies – Automotive, Aviation, Video Games, Board Games

* GLBT – Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender

* Government & Organizations – Local, National, Non-Profit, Regional

* Health – Alternative, Fitness & Nutrition, Self-Help, Sexuality

* Kids & Family – Dads, Moms, Parents

* Mature – Explicit Content, Rated R+

* Music – Podsafe Only!

* News & Politics – Right, Left, Documentary, World, Local

* Religion & Spirituality – Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Judaism, Other

* Science & Medicine – Medicine, Natural, Social, Science Fiction

* Society-Culture – History, Journals, Philosophy, Places & Travel

* Sports & Recreation – Amateur, College, Outdoor, Professional

* Technology – Gadgets, Tech News, Podcasting, Software How-To

* TV & Film – Reviews, Series, Fan Shows

Listeners will be able to begin nominating their favorite podcasts beginning on April 15, 2016, and ending on April 30, 2016.