In the Biz – PCN Show 031

PCN iTunes artworkIn this episode, Shawn and Jen dig into some of the business related aspects of podcasting.

They discuss that New York Times article (and a response to it), take a look at stats, and inadvertently show just how much influence iTunes really has.

Links mentioned in this episode:

* Podcasts Surge, but Producers Fear Apple Isn’t Listening
By John Herrman on New York Times

* Apple’s actual role in podcasting: be careful what you wish for
By Marco Arment on

* Where Are Your Podcast Listeners Tuning In? Blubrry Has Some Surprising Stats
By Blubrry Team on PowerPress Podcast

* Is the Name ‘Podcasting’ Hurting the Medium’s Growth?
By Seth Resler on Jacobs Media Strategies

* Why it’s bad that New York is sucking up the podcasting industry
By Adam Ragusea on Current