In this episode, Shawn and Jen ended up repeatedly coming back to the concept of an “engaged audience”.
We touch on why you need one, how to keep it, and why ads are more tolerable for engaged listeners than for listeners who aren’t invested in your podcast.
Links mentioned in this episode:
* Podcasting? Why Now?
By Kerri Hoffman on Media Post
* Podcasts Experiment With Paid Subscriptions
By Steven Perlberg on Wall Street Journal
* ComScore Says People Prefer Ads in Podcasts Over Any Other Digital Medium
By Marty Sweet on AdWeek
* NPR Expects to ‘More Than Double’ Its Podcast Revenue This Year
By Lauren Johnson on AdWeek
* 6 Ways To Take A Break From Podcasting Without Losing Your Audience
By Blubrry on PowerPress Podcast
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Hi Jen. Hi Shawn. I love how this conversation kept coming back to engaged audiences. I’m finding that not all podcasters believe that engagement matters much and that some, in fact, prefer not letting their audience get too close and involved. Not surprisingly, the more the podcaster’s income is tied to their podcast, the more likely they are to seek engagement – whether they enjoy it or not – as an engage audience is more likely to convert into paying customers.
I recently wrote a monster article of 50+ ways to boost listener engagement. I’d love your thoughts (or additions) on that list. ( ) Thanks for a great episode.
Sooo sorry, that article is actually at:
Silly me, commenting on 4 hours of sleep. Again, my apologies.