Movies, Moms and McPoverty – PCN 037

PCN iTunes artworkIn this episode, Shawn and Jen talk about what could happen if your podcast became a movie (or TV show). We also discuss why moms should listen to podcasts, and point out the stories behind some podcaster’s Twitter handles.

Links mentioned in this episode:

* On the Emerging Trend of Adapting Podcasts into TV Shows and Movies
By Paola Mardo on FilmSchoolRejects

* 11 best podcaster Twitter handles (and the stories behind them)
By Matt Williamson on Bello Collective

* Millennial moms love listening to podcasts
By Denise Cortes on BabyCenter

* History Podcasts Made by Women
By Calen Cross on Bello Collective

* Students explore podcasting in classes, radio broadcasting
By Connie Meade on The Knox Student