Wondery Launches “Terms” – A Political Audio Drama

terms-logoSpoke Media, a Dallas-based audio production company, announced the launch of an innovative new political thriller and serialized audio drama called Terms. It is being released on Wondery. Terms will be Wondery’s third “Wondery Original” to be released.

Terms begins on election night. President Oliver Pierce (voiced by veteran Dallas stage actor and director Jeffery Schmidt), watches in disbelief from the White House as an incredibly controversial figure, Charles Dunwalke (voiced by Brandon Potter, fresh off his lauded performance as LBJ at the Dallas Theater Center), wins an Electoral College victory to the shock and dismay of a majority of Americans.

Fearing the worst is about to come, Pierce must now make the most difficult decision of his career, a decision that sets in motion a series of events that will have historic and possibly catastrophic consequences. The future of the country hangs in the balance between Election Night and Inauguration Day as America teeters on the edge of salvation and destruction.

One would be hard pressed to find a more relevant topic for a political drama, considering the things going on in the real world, right now, in regards to the 2016 presidential election. Surprisingly, the idea for Terms was based on an idea that Lindsay Graham (executive producer of Terms) had a decade earlier.

Terms has three co-producers: Keith Reynolds (three-time AudioFile Audie Award winner), Robert McCollum (veteran voice actor), and Michael Federico (Legendary Digital Studios).

The first episode of Terms was released in the feed of Wondery’s Secrets, Crimes & Audiotape podcast. There will be a total of 13 episodes, two of which have already been released on the Terms website.