Spreaker Introduces its Revenue Sharing Program

Spreaker has introduced its new Revenue Sharing Program.  It gives podcasters who are on Spreaker a way to earn money for ads that are placed throughout their content. Essentially, it is an Ad Revenue Sharing Program. The program is currently in the beta stage. Spreaker explains the program this way:

Audio and visual ads provided by our partners will get automatically placed throughout your episodes at different intervals (at this beta stage we only support ads as pre-rolls). These ads will be determined by location, so that your listeners will only ever hear ads that pertain to them. (New Yorkers will only ever hear ads by companies accessible to them, for example.)

Every time an ad gets an impression, meaning that it was listened to or viewed by your audience, you’ll earn a specific amount of money. In Spreaker’s case, you’ll get 60-65% per CPM (1000 impressions), depending on a variety of factors, like who is providing the ad.

Ads will be either audio or visual, and will appear across embedded player and Spreaker Podcast Radio for Android and iOS. Each ad will run for at most 30 seconds, and disappear as soon as its over.

Spreaker’s Revenue Sharing Program is currently in beta. They plan to evolve it over time as more podcasters join. Some improvements that are on the way include ad flexibility (meaning you can insert ads at specific points through your episode), extended ad plays to third-party platforms, and an increase in CPM throughout 2017.

There is a simple opt-in program for podcasters who want to join Spreaker’s Revenue Sharing Program. If you have shows on your account that you want to keep ad-free, you can disable them from the program at any time. Be sure to read the Spreaker blog for more details.