Nancy is a New Podcast From WNYC

At first glance, you might think that Nancy, the newest podcast produced by WNYC, was named after the host. There are podcasts that include the first and last name of the host, after all. But, there isn’t anyone on Nancy who is actually named Nancy. The podcast’s description says:

BFFs Kathy Tu and Tobin Low are super queer, super fun and ready to take over your podcast feed. Join them for provocative stories and frank conversations about the LGBTQ experience today. Because everyone’s a little bit gay…

Prior to Nancy, Tobin Low was a producer on WNYC Studio’s More Perfect, the Radiolab spinoff about the Supreme Court. His work has also appeared on Marketplace, Studio 360, and the Codebreaker podcast. Prior to Nancy, Kathy Tu did production work for a number of podcasts including The Memory Palace, The Mortified Podcast and Masterpiece Studio.

At the time I am writing this post, Nancy has a introductory episode titled: “It’s a Podcast, Not a Person”, which was released on April 3, 2017. New episodes are released every Sunday night. Topics covered in the first three episodes include: coming out more than once, sex education not giving LGBTQ people the information they need, and “We were in a relationship?”