Stevie Ryan, Co-Host of Mentally Ch(ill) has Died

Stevie Ryan, co-host of the Mentally Ch(ill) podcast, has died at the age of 33. In addition to being a podcaster, she was well known for her YouTube series called “Little Loca”, star of a VHI series called Stevie TV, and co-host of Brody Jenner’s E! series “Sex With Brody”.

People Celebrity reported that the L.A. County Coroner’s Office ruled that the cause of Stevie Ryan’s death was suicide by hanging.

Mentally Ch(ill) was co-hosted by Stevie Ryan and Kristen Carney. It is described as “a podcast about depression.” The first episode was titled “Hello Cruel World”, and was released on April 4, 2017.

The eleventh episode, titled: “Death, Grieving & Lithium” was released on June 28, 2017. People Celebrity reported that in an episode released just two days before Ryan’s death, she revealed that her grandfather had died Thursday. People Celebrity noted that in the episode, Stevie Ryan explained that she was worried this would send her into a deeper depression. Stevie Ryan and Kristin Carney discussed suicide in that episode.

The twelfth episode of Mentally Ch(ill) was released on July 4, 2017. It was titled: “RIP Stevie – Beautiful Butterfly”. The episode was recorded by Kristen Carney.