Southgate Media Group started with a vision: to make podcasts that are interesting, entertaining, and informative. They have a Kickstarter for a book called Podlife. At the time I am writing this, the Kickstarter has 10 days to go.
The Southgates are a family of podcasters. Rob and Martha are parents of Molly, who is a 10-year-old who has done over 300 podcast episodes and live shows. Southgate Media Group is a network of roughly 100 podcasts, blogs, and video channels.
Podlive is a collection of essays by 30 different podcasters from varied backgrounds and at different experience levels. This is not a mere “how to start a podcast” manual, this is a book about the human experience peppered with practical advice. What we have gathered is a series of essays about the lives of people that make and love podcasts.
The Kickstarter has a list of the names of all the podcasters who contributed to the book. There is an implication that more names will be announced. All three members of the Southgate family contributed an essay. While I don’t happen to recognize any of the other names on the list, my best guess is that people who listen to Southgate Media Group podcasts might recognize some of them.
Under the Risks and Challenges section of the Kickstarter, it says: “No risks here. The book will publish no matter what. Having the funds will simply make the launch better. Every dime brought in from this Kickstarter will go toward improving the project.”
To me, a book filled with essays from podcasters sounds interesting. It’s definitely a different genre than the podcasting related books that instruct people about how to create, and monetize, a podcast. The Kickstarter much reach its goal of $800 by September 5, 2017, in order to be successful. If it fails, it sounds like the book is going to get published anyway.
We hit our goal! Thank you so much for helping promote our Kickstarter. We are really excited about this project and can’t wait to share it.