Audacity 2.3.0 Released with New Features

Audacity 2.3.0 has been released. It replaces all previous versions for Windows and macOS. It includes many new features and over 90 bugs fixes (since 2.2.2).

The Audacity Team started their blog post about Audacity 2.3.0 by identifying some known issues and indicating what can be done about them:

We are still compiling Audacity as 32-bit. Whilst MacOSX works with 32-bit, it would prefer a 64-bit version of Audacity. We are working on a 64-bit version for Mac for 2.3.1. On Windows, you may find that recording is disabled until you change Windows permissions for the microphone! This affects all versions of Audacity, and many other programs.

New features of Audacity 2.3.0 include:

  • New feature – “Punch and Roll Recording”
  • Pinned-play-head can now be repositioned by dragging
  • Play-at-speed now can be adjusted whilst playing
  • Toolbars controlling volume and speed can now be resized for greater precision.
  • Macros (formerly ‘Chains’) substantially extended: New Macro palette; Macros can be bound to keyboard keys
  • New commands: New ‘Tools’ menu; New ‘Scriptable’ commands
  • Nyquist gains AUD-DO command
  • Nyquist effects are now translatable and translated
  • More dialogs have help buttons now
  • Increased legibility of trackname display
  • Half-wave option for controlled tracks
  • Sliding Stretch
  • Dialog (option) for entering labels.

For more information about these new features, visit the Audacity blog post and click on the link there that leads to that information. In addition, the blog post has information on the over 90 bugs that were in 2.2.2 that have been fixed.