Anchor announced that you can now share Anchor podcast episodes and profiles right to a Snapchat story, which will link back directly so anyone who sees your story can immediately listen in their preferred podcast app.
Tap “Share” from any episode or Anchor profile page, and you will see the Snapchat logo come up as one of the sharing options. This will open a new Snapchat story, with custom sticker and swipe-up feature that deep-links to the podcast. You can add a photo, caption, additional stickers… anything that makes it your own!
After the story is posted on Snapchat, your friends can swipe up to see the option to listen to that podcast episode on any platform where your podcast is available. The podcast will open right in their selected app.
Anchor says that sharing your episode everywhere you possibly can is one of the best ways to grow your audience. Anchor plans to add more ways to do that.