There Won’t Be Another PodCon

Hank Green announced on Medium that they will not be doing PodCon again. This news will probably disappoint people who were hoping to attend PodCon 3. According to Hank, Travis, Justin, Jeffery, Joseph and Monica, “The short version is: We couldn’t make it sustainable.”

The Medium blog post includes a list of the main reasons why they weren’t able to get PodCon “to a safe, sustainable place.” The reasons include:

We couldn’t fundamentally change PodCon to make it make more financial sense.

Large podcasts have a successful and sustainable business model in live show touring. “This can make it difficult to attract creators who can sell tickets without paying them the amount they would doing a touring show. We also wouldn’t want podcasters to negatively impact their livelihood just to help out for free.”

The “evening out” lie show system also works well for podcasts fans. “Many of their attendees said they would rather have an evening out than a two day event.”

Conventions are expensive to run and attend. “We wanted to run a show that paid staff a living wage, paid for the travel expenses and lodging of all invited guests, looked and sounded fantastic to audiences, and invited a variety of guests without thinking only about whether they could sell tickets, but also the value of the perspectives they could provide. We couldn’t do that in a sustainable way and we’re unwilling to compromise on any of that stuff.”

Sponsorships were extremely difficult to sell.

Those who want to go and get a piece of PodCon can visit their merch site and buy some leftover PodCon merchandise.