Blubrry hosted stats just got even better with Partial Download Reporting! You can find this brand new feature in your Stats Dashboard if you are a Blubrry Podcast Hosting customer.
Your pour your heart and passion into every podcast episode, hoping that hard work translates into a growing audience. And you track your podcast stats every episode. But how do you know if those downloads meant a listener downloaded the whole show? How do you know – quantitatively – if your audience paid attention from start to finish? Unless you know that, it can be difficult to improve your programming.
Blubrry was the first podcast host with an IAB Tech Lab Certified podcast stats platform. Partial Download Reporting is free as part of Blubrry Podcast Hosting customer’s hosted stats through 7/1/19. You can purchase this premium feature beginning July 1 (more details to come).
Partial Download Reporting helps podcasters understand their audience’s consumption patterns better. Blubrry’s proprietary system sifts through your downloaded data to determine which downloads were complete and which weren’t.
That means you’ll be able to tell when and where you might have lost your audience’s attention. Which means you have another tool in your arsenal to keep improving your podcast content, pacing, and format.