Podsights announced some changes to their logo and the products that they offer. Their new logo is a delightful, cartoon, kazoo – which should make them stand out from all the other companies that provide services to podcasters and advertisers.
Podsights today looks a little different than yesterday, and we have adopted a new mascot, the loyal and elegant kazoo. If you are unfamiliar, a kazoo is a precise musical instrument played by only the finest musicians worldwide. It’s also heavily featured at children’s parties.
You all ruined logos with headphones, microphones, sound waves, speakers, and really everything to do with sound. We are forging our own path, one that delights and doesn’t take itself to seriously.
Podsights will be adding a feature that gives brands the ability to contact publishers directly through research. If a publisher opts in, Podsights will show a “contact publisher” button on research. Brands can answer a few questions, and Podsights will shoot their information to the publisher. Podsights will not take a commission from this process.
Other improvements include:
Agency Views: Agencies can manage all their brands through one dashboard.
Sell-Side Agency Views: If you represent multiple podcasters, Podsights lets you run a campaign on their behalf, while the podcaster retains ownership of their podcast.
Reporting Only Campaigns: Attribution may not be the primary KPI of a campaign. Podsights lets you run impression only campaigns to centralize your podcasting efforts.
In addition, Podsights raised $1.5 million from Greycroft, Betaworks, BDMI, Rooks Nest and “a host of angels”, including Howard Lindzon (Social Leverage), Michael Kassan (Founder MediaLink), and Ilia Papas (Founder Blue Apron). These funds will help Podsights reach their goals.