My Podcast Reviews, run by Daniel J. Lewis, is holding a contest. Correctly guess when Apple Podcasts hit 1 million – and win a subscription to My Podcast Reviews.
Apple Podcasts is the #1 podcast app ad directory, and its about to reach 1 million valid podcasts!
Let’s celebrate this major milestone with a fun guessing game!
For everyone who correctly guesses the date Apple Podcasts reaches 1 million valid podcasts, we’ll give a free 1-year subscription to a My Podcast Reviews “Solo” plan ($50 value) or equal-value discount on a higher plan!
To enter, you need to fill in a form on the My Podcast Reviews website. It asks for your first and last name, your primary podcast, your email, your Twitter, and your date guess. My Podcast Reviews will stop accepting entries when Apple Podcasts reaches 975,000 podcasts.
Contest rules include:
- Contestants must be 13 years old or older to enter.
- One entry per person or household. Multiple entries will disqualify you.
- Entries will be accepted until Apple Podcasts reaches 975,000 podcasts, as reported in the Podcast Industry Statistics (updated nightly) and the entry form will be closed.
- Only data tracked by My Podcast Reviews or officially announced by Apple will be used as the winning date
- And more!
My Podcast Reviews tracks your reviews from multiple apps in every country, including Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, and Podchaser. With any plan, you can add all of your shows to My Podcast Reviews and monitor more than one podcast. Receive your latest reviews weekly or daily.
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