The Podcast Academy is now accepting members. Those that are interested must pay a membership fee. There are qualifications that you must meet in order to be considered for membership. Sign up on or before September 30, 2020, and get 50% off your initial annual membership. If you purchase a membership between June 22 and September 30, your fee is $50.00. If you buy a membership after October 1, your membership fee will be $100 ($75.00 for students).
Do you currently participate in the podcast industry? Then you are available for membership! All participants in the Podcast industry, whether professional or student, are welcomed as members.
Regular membership in The Podcast Academy is grouped into two categories. When applying for membership, individuals must select either “In Front of the Mic” or “Behind the Mic” peer group.
There are two Peer Groups to choose from. Members must pick one, but will have access to people in the other group through an online membership directory that The Podcast Academy will host.
In Front of the Mic: To join this peer group you must have credit as a Performer, Guest, Host or Co-Host on at least one (1) podcast program with a cumulative run time of three (3) hours or speaking on the microphone in at least three (3) episodes in the proceeding (2) years.
Behind the Mic: To join this peer group, you must be a Producer, Engineer, Writer, Researcher, Industry Consultant, Creative/Marketing/PR Executive, Professional Representative, or other Industry Professional.
No matter which one you choose, you must be prepared to show The Podcast Academy documentation that proves that you have met certain criteria. If you are unable to provide that documentation, it might be possible to be considered anyway, if you can get one (or more) letters of recommendation form Academy Members.
Student Membership is for actively enrolled students. A student must provide active enrollment in a college program by submitting a college ID card, college fee slip or semester mark sheet. Students may apply for Student Membership in The Podcast Academy, and their membership is offered at a discount. Student Members may not vote in the awards or for the Board of Governors.
Personally, I think the system set up to select members is exclusionary. The world is currently experiencing a pandemic. How will a student be able to provide a physical school ID while the school is closed, and telelearning is happening?
This month, WBUR and WBEZ had significant layoffs. There are likely other podcasters who had to stop creating and producing their shows because their lives have been affected by COVID-19. That’s a lot of people who are unlikely to be able to commit to giving The Podcast Academy $100 every year.