David Plotz is Launching City Cast

David Plotz announced that he is launching City Cast, a network of daily local podcasts. He is the CEO of City Cast, the host of the Slate Political Gabfest, the former CEO of Atlas Obscura and the Former EIC of Slate. David Plotz is starting City Cast because he believes the future is local.

Launching this winter in a handful of cities, City Cast will be a national network of daily local podcasts. It will combine essential local news with smart, delightful perspective about your community. It will be the passionate, curious, connecting voice of your city and mine — framing and explaining the news and helping make us more informed and more empathetic — and better citizens in small but meaningful ways.

Why launch City Cast? David Plotz explains that America has never needed great local journalism more than it does today. Nearly 2,000 newspapers have died or merged since 2004 – one fifth of them. Most of the surviving local newsrooms – whether TV, radio, or print – are shadows of what they once were, understaffed and underpowered.

He notes that where local news is sparse or feeble, communities suffer. Political activity declines; local businesses weaken; mistrust grows. We become divided, more insular, and more hopeless.

City Cast is now hiring.They are looking for hosts, lead producers, producers, editors, reporters, project managers, and more.

City Cast offers competitive pay, great benefits, and a culture of creativity and inclusion. They love their work and want to love their (virtual) workspace, too. They value diversity, integrity, kindness, flexibility, and humor. For more information, visit the City Cast website.