Pocket Cast will Join Automattic

Pocket Cast will be joining Automattic, making it easier for fans to discover new content and customize their listening experience.

Pocket Cast announced it will be joining Automattic, the parent company of WordPress.com. More than 80M people in the US listen to a podcast weekly, and this critically acclaimed podcast app makes it easier for fans to discover podcasts and customize their listening experience. Pocket Casts has been recognized by The New York Times, WIRED, The Verge, and other top publications for its exquisite design and user-friendly features.

As part of Automattic, Pocket Casts will continue to provide you with the features needed to enjoy your favorite podcasts (or find something new). We will explore building deep integrations with WordPress.com and Pocket Casts, making it easier to distribute and listen to podcasts. We’re thrilled that we can continue to give our users a multitude of ways to tell and engage with stories that matter.

Co-founders Russell Ivanovic and Philip Simpson will continue to lead Pocket Casts as part of Automattic.

You are probably using one or more products that Automattic has acquired and continues to build on. The company may be best known for WordPress.com, in addition to its non-profit and Open Source projects like WordPress.org. WP for iOS, and WP for Android. In addition to acquiring Pocket Casts, Automattic acquired Tumblr, Day One, Jetpack, and Gravatar.