Applications Now Open for Sponsors & Media Partners For the 2025 Women’s Podcasters Awards

The Women Podcast Awards is gearing up for its highly anticipated second year, and applications are now open for sponsors and media partners to be part of this prestigious international event.

Following a hugely successful inaugural year with 400 nominees and 15,000 votes, the awards continue to grow with overflowing support from the podcasting industry. You can see testimonials about the awards from participants here.

“We are so grateful for the incredible response from podcasters, listeners, and industry leaders,” says Jennifer Henczel, founder of the Women Podcast Awards.

The Women Podcasters Awards is a people’s choice style of awards event designed to celebrate and elevate women’s voices globally and within the podcasting industry. With the continued expansion of women-led media, this is an opportunity for sponsors and media partners to align with a fast-growing, engaged, and influential community.

Sponsorship Benefits Include:

  • Introduce yourself and present an award at the Women Podcasters Awards Ceremony in June.
  • We will feature sponsors on our website, in emails, and in social posts throughout the awards process
  • During the awards you will be featured on your own Sponsor profile page 
  • After the awards, your sponsorship will continue to be features via your image or logo on the 2025 Sponsors Page indefinitely.
  • We will provide a copy & images to help with sharing about the Women Podcasters Awards.
  • Sponsorships are not category specific.

Want to join us in celebrating and amplifying women’s voices in the podcasting world? Companies, organizations, and media outlets interested in partnering with the Women Podcasters Awards can apply now at:

Thank you to all those who have already come aboard to support and lift up women’s voices.

The Women Podcasters Awards is formerly the Women in Podcasting Awards.