Will Your Podcast Hosting Company Be Here FOREVER? – PCN Show 013

supernovaIt seems like podcasters deal with a lot of anxiety when it comes to media and website hosting. It’s understandable, as those two things are highly important when it comes to podcasting.

I tried to answer the question, “Will your hosting company be here forever?” If you’re dealing with your own angst over this issue, I hope my findings will help to put your mind at ease.


Original image by Hubble Heritage on Flickr. Used under Creative Commons license.

Women in Podcasting: Interview with Miki Strong – PCN Show 012

Unemployable Woman Logo Podcaster NewsIn this episode of the Podcaster News Show, I bring you more news about women in podcasting. This episode features Miki Strong who is the host of the Unemployable Woman podcast. It isn’t about coping with unemployment! Instead, her show is for women entrepreneurs who want to be their own boss instead of working for someone else.

Link mentioned in this episode:
Unemployable Woman Podcast

Crowdfunding Platform Shootout – PCN Show 011

Dollar signsThere’s been a lot of talk lately about crowdfunding platforms for podcasting. It seems like new platforms are coming online all the time. I decided to compare some of these services, looking at the features they have to offer and what kind of fees they charge.

I ranked my findings in first, second and third place with a runner up. Which service came in first? Listen to the podcast to find out!



Women in Podcasting: Where to Find the Women – PCN Show 010

She Podcasts Directory Podcaster NewsIn episode ten of the Podcaster News Show, I continue my Women in Podcasting series by pointing you towards directories and other online resources that will help you to find podcasts that are hosted by women.

Before you can listen to someone’s podcast, you have to be able to find it. Add some women’s voices and viewpoints to the mix of podcasts that you are currently listening to. There are so many to choose from!

Links mentioned in this episode:
* She Podcasts Directory
* IPDb list of podcasts

Women in Podcasting: Interview with Myself – PCN Show 009

blue2-200-e1401055782419 In episode nine of the Podcaster News Show, I decided to turn things around a little bit. Usually, I interview a woman who is a podcaster. This time, I have enlisted the help of Shawn Thorpe (a fellow Podcaster News contributor) to help me interview … well… myself.

It dawned on me that I’ve been asking women who podcast a series of questions that I hadn’t specifically answered myself. So, for this episode, Shawn takes my place and asks me the questions about podcasting that I usually ask other women. The other option would have been for me to electronically alter my voice and do a self-interview, but that would have been too weird!

Links mentioned in this episode:
Hyper Nonsense
Shattered Soulstone
Halfway Around the World

Norm Pattiz of PodcastOne: “We were looking at acquiring Stitcher.” – PCN Show 008

Norm PattizIn response to the article I posted yesterday about the recent dust up between PodcastOne and Stitcher, I was contacted today by a PodcastOne rep who said that the company’s Chairman/CEO, Norm Pattiz, was willing to do an interview to try and shed some light on the situation. I’m presenting that interview today (with Norm’s permission) as my November contribution to the Podcaster News Show.

Some highlights from our discussion:

  • PodcastOne was, at one point, considering acquiring Stitcher.
  • Stitcher is still syndicating some of PodcastOne’s show, despite PodcastOne’s request that they stop.
  • PodcastOne hasn’t seen any significant decrease in downloads since Sitcher removed PodcastOne’s shows.
  • Pattiz says Sitcher doesn’t have a “robust” revenue generating system.

Hear all of this and more in the full podcast episode below.

Original image by PeteSessa from Wikimedia, used under Creative Commons license.

Women in Podcasting: Interview with Lisa Louise Cooke – PCN Show 007

Genealogy Gems Podcasting newsIn episode seven of the Podcaster News Show, I bring you more news about women in podcasting. This episode features an interview with Lisa Louise Cooke a woman whose name is well recognized in genealogy circles. She is involved in three podcasts that focus on genealogy and family history.

Links mentioned in this episode:
Genealogy Gems Podcast
Family History: Genealogy Made Easy Podcast
Family Tree Magazine Podcast

A Podcaster’s Response To Chris Brogan – PCN Show 006

SociaChris Brogan - podcasting newsl media maven Chris Brogan recently made some podcasting news when he published a blog post called “Dear Podcaster.” In that post, Chris gave some advice to podcasters based on his own experiences in being interviewed on many podcasts. I decided to take a look at this advice and provide some thoughts of my own.

Links mentioned during the podcast:

Chris Brogan: Dear Podcaster

Podcaster News on Twitter

My Twitter profile

Original image from Shawn Collins on Flickr, used under Creative Commons license.

Women in Podcasting: Interview with Xia – PCN Show 005

Screen Shot 2014-10-14 at 7.21.39 PMEpisode Five of the Podcaster News Show was hosted by me, Jen Thorpe. In this episode, I bring you more news about women in podcasting. This episode features Xia, co-host of The Sundering podcast.

She is also involved with World of Podcasts. The second World of Podcasts event will take place in November of 2014.

Links mentioned in this episode:
The Sundering
World of Podcasts

What Do You Really Need To Start A Podcast? – PCN Show 004

Question MarksWelcome to episode 4 of the Podcaster News Show.

In this edition, I decided to step away from the relative comfort of my dedicated production studio and go basic, recording only with my iPad and a free app called Recorder. I did this as an exercise to show that it isn’t really necessary to invest in a mountain of gear just to get your voice committed to disk. I also give a simple explanation of a podcast publishing setup that, while hardly optimal, could technically allow you to publish a podcast (including getting that podcast into iTunes) without spending any money on web hosting.

Links mentioned during the podcast:

Podcaster News on Twitter

Me on Twitter