is Shutting Down is a one-stop search and recommendation engine for podcasts. They transcribe, timestamp, tag, cluster, and collect ratings and reviews for thousands of shows. announced that they will be shutting down on November 28, 2017.

If you visit the website right now, there is a bright pink line at the very top with important information. It says they will be winding down support operations and ending support for on November 28, 2017. The team also posted a blog that says: will be winding down operations on November 28, 2017. As of that date, you will no longer have access to our API endpoints, the website, or features such as Audio Alerts, the Clipmaker, Buzz Score, and more.

We welcome you to contact us at with any questions. We will do our best to reply in a timely manner based on the volume of emails.

We’ve loved watching the projects you’ve built with this technology over the past two and a half years, and we appreciate your understanding.

Rain News reported that Pop Up Archive is’s parent company. Pop Up Archive will also be closing operations on November 28, 2017. Pop Up Archive posted helpful information about how to download your transcripts and audio files.