Spreaker Studio App Now Available For Android

Spreaker LogoThere’s always been a noticeable lack of podcast production tools for Android users compared to iOS. But podcast hosting/live-streaming company Spreaker is working to change that with the release of its Spreaker Studio app for Android. From the Spreaker blog:

We’ve punched up our app to include everything you’ve wanted – the ability to add songs and sound effects while you go live, toggle the microphone, and more so that you can take over the entire production of your own podcast or radio show.

Push REC at the top and choose to go live or record and then publish later. Make sure to adjust the microphone and switch it to ON to keep it on the entire time your broadcast, or hold down Push to Talk to only record vocals when you need to. Want to play songs? Tap on Add New Song to start pulling songs from your device, and set them on the decks. Play as you go, or choose Auto DJ to let the playlist run on its own. And don’t forget to tap on any of the sound effects on the right to add extra flair to your content.

When going live, you’ll get a chance to set up your track’s info before you go on the air. When recording offline, your track will instead be placed in your Drafts collection as soon as you choose to publish it.

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iOS Podcasting App Bossjock Is Half-Price This Weekend Only

Bossjock LogoIn honor of this weekend’s Podcast Movement conference, app developer Bossjock Studio is selling its mobile podcast-production app Bossjock at half-price. Normally, the app retails for right around $10.00. Until Monday, the app will go for $4.99. The company made the announcement yesterday via Twitter:

Bossjock is a top-rated app for producing podcasts on iOS. It’s a full-featured suite of tools that does everything from voice recording (with optional live sound-clip playback) to upload of your finished media to a variety of publishing platforms.

For some examples of Bossjock’s capabilities, take a look at this “Frankenskype” article on how you can use Bossjock to record Skype calls with minimal equipment. You can also see a full-fledged review of Bossjock (including videos) at the School of Podcasting.

Posted by Shawn Thorpe

Bossjock Demonstrates “Frankenskype” For Mobile Podcasting

Bossjock LogoBossjock Studio, developers of the popular Bossjock podcast-production app for iOS have released a demo of a mobile podcast production setup they call “Frankenskype.”

There are two topics of discussion that come up frequently on podcasting-centric forums: 1.) How to record Skype calls. 2.) How to produce mobile recordings. It looks like Bossjock  tried to solve both of these problems by bringing Frankenskype to life. To elaborate, Frankenskype isn’t a product so much as it’s a technique for using battery-powered mobile gear to record both ends of a Skype call into the Bossjock app.

The demo uses an iPhone, an iPad  and the 9-volt powered ART USB Dual Pre along with an Apple iPad Camera Connection Kit. Frankenskype breaks down like this:

  • * Camera Connection Kit plugged into iPad.
  • * USB Dual Pre plugged into Camera Connect Kit.
  • * Analog microphone (the demo uses an ATR2100, but almost any mic will work) using an XLR cable plugged into one input of the Dual Pre.
  • * Audio cable from the iPhone’s headphone jack connected to the other input of the USB Dual Pre.
  • * USB cable from the Dual Pre connected to the Camera Connection Kit on the iPad.

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