Is Nobody Likes Onions The First Podcast To Have Its Own Cryptocurrency?

NLO Coin logoLong-running comedy podcast Nobody Likes Onions recently released a self-branded form of cryptocurrency called NLO Coin. The launch of NLO Coin was announced thru the show’s Twitter account:

The link to download the NLO Coin client is only available thru the show’s Facebook group. The client was developed by one of the show’s fans and is currently only available for OS X. (NLO Coin clients for other platforms may be developed over time. As an interesting aside, NLO Coin is probably the only cryptocurrency exclusively available to Mac users.)
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Which Podcasts Have The Most Ads?

Your Ad HereSince the early days of podcasting, advertising has been a bit of a touchy subject. Some claimed that having ads in podcasts would be the ultimate sellout. An end to the medium’s purity as a by-the-people-for-the-people creation. Others waited with marked anticipation for the arrival of parties who were interested in providing money in exchange for sponsored messages. Whatever side of the fence you’re on, advertising in podcasting is definitely here to stay. With that in mind, I decided to do a fairly unscientific poll of which podcasts actually have the most ads. Using an Evernote document, I made a simple tally of the number of times I heard an ad during podcasts I’m subscribed to or podcasts I work on for clients. This includes preroll, post-roll, and mid-roll ads, whether they were live reads or prerecorded. If a show had a simple, “This podcast is sponsored by…” tagline, I didn’t include it unless the message was longer than five seconds. Here’s the results: Continue reading