FeenPhone Is An Open Source Alternative To Skype

FeenPhone LogoSkype has been standard issue in the podcaster’s toolkit since the beginning of the medium. Read any how-to guide on podcasting and you’re sure to see a bevy of tutorials on how to record Skype calls. But Skype is far from perfect. And while there have always been Skype alternatives, none of them have really measured up. That’s where FeenPhone comes in.

FeenPhone is an open source program that takes its name from the Freedom Feens podcast. From the FeenPhone website:

FeenPhone is superior in audio quality to Skype, Mumble, TeamSpeak, Blink, Ventrilo, Google Hangouts and phones. FeenPhone sounds crystal clear compared to all these programs/platforms.

And these programs aren’t truly duplex; when one person speaks loudly, it cuts out the quieter person. This makes conversations sound unnatural. Even experienced radio hosts sometimes naturally talk over each other a little bit, especially at the end of one person speaking and the start of another person speaking. We built software that is full-duplex so the audience feels like they’re in the same room with the people speaking, rather then having it feel like one person should say “Over…” when finished with a sentence. FeenPhone being true duplex makes it superior to other voice-over-Internet programs or phones in making conversations more conversational….more natural, less artificial.

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