Apple Spring Event a Dud for Podcasting

Apple logoYesterday, Apple held its “Spring Forward” event in San Francisco. Buzz for the event focused on Apple’s new smartwatch. But rumors that had been circulating for a few weeks suggested that there would also be news about Apple’s MacBook line of laptop computers as well as Apple TV, the company’s home media hub.

And while the Spring Forward event held plenty of fanfare tied in with some cool announcements, there wasn’t much to be excited about for new media producers. Here’s a breakdown:

Apple TV: The big announcement here focused on the HBO NOW app coming to Apple TV in April. And while HBO NOW may be a boon to Game of Thrones fans, many in the new media community were hoping Apple would finally announce the opening of an app store for Apple TV, similar to the stores that exist on Macs and iOS devices. No luck there.

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