Podcast Movement 2017 Announced More Speakers

Podcast Movement 2017 will take place in Anaheim, California, on August 23-25. The event has a habit of slowly announcing who the keynote speakers will be.

Earlier this year, Podcast Movement 2017 announced that Dan Carlin, host of the Hardcore History and Common Sense podcasts, would be a speaker. Recently, Podcast Movement 2017 announced more keynote speakers.

Rabia Chaudry, Colin Miller, and Susan Simpson are the hosts of Undisclosed.  All three hosts will be keynote speakers for Podcast Movement 2017.

The Undisclosed Podcast investigates wrongful convictions, and the U.S. Criminal justice system, by taking a closer look at the perpetration of a crime, its investigation, the trial, and the ultimate verdict… and finding new evidence that never made it to court. Undisclosed is now in its third season. The hosts went from having no podcast experience to having one of the most popular shows in the world with millions of downloads.

Shannon Cason, who preformed at SXSW in Austin in March of this year, will be a keynote speaker at Podcast Movement 2017. He is the host of Homemade Storieswhich partnered with WBEZ Chicago for the 2014-2015 season. Shannon Cason is a storyteller and writer, and is originally from Detroit.

WBEZ will be at Podcast Movement 2016

Podcast Movement 2016 logoPodcast Movement 2016 will take place in Chicago. It seems very fitting that three of Chicago’s own WBEZ podcasts will be at this year’s Podcast Movement. They are the most recent additions to the lineup of speakers who will be part of the event.

Podcast Movement is the premier international gathering of podcasters. It happens in a different location each year. According to the Podcast Movement website, Chicago is one of the best podcast cities in the world. They feel that much of the credit for turning the city into one of the preeminent locations for podcasting can be given to WBEZ.

WBEZ has added a number of niche and pop-culture podcasts to their family of digital shows. This American Life leads the pack of the world’s most popular podcasts, drawing nearly 3.5 listens a month. WBEZ’s podcast umbrella also includes Sound Opinions, where WBEZ’s Rock Doctors hold court on everything musical, and Filmspotting, a unique film review show.

Podcast Movement 2016 has been slowly revealing the speakers and panelists that will be at the event. They are planning on having more than 100 of them. The exact schedule of when each will speak has yet to be released. What is clear is that Podcast Movement 2016 will take place on July 6-8, 2016.

Three WBEZ podcasts, and their hosts, have been added to the list of speakers. Shannon Cason is the host of Homemade Stories. He is a powerful voice in the storytelling front, and a Moth GrandSLAM winner. In the podcast, he lays out his life for the listener, blemishes and all. Some stories are insightful and true, and others are works of fiction.

Keith Ecker and Erin Kahoa are hosts of Pleasure Town. It is a serial podcast about the people who live in PleasureTown, Oklahoma, as told by a mix of eclectic residents. The podcast is a mix of old-time radio show and dark contemporary drama.

Tricia Bobeda and Greta Johnson are the hosts of Nerdette. It is a show where they talk to people about their obsessions, from science to science fiction, great lady nerds of history, to Beyonce. Their podcast can be summed up as: “It’s not about what you love. It’s about how much you love it.”