Crowdfunding Platform Shootout – PCN Show 011

Dollar signsThere’s been a lot of talk lately about crowdfunding platforms for podcasting. It seems like new platforms are coming online all the time. I decided to compare some of these services, looking at the features they have to offer and what kind of fees they charge.

I ranked my findings in first, second and third place with a runner up. Which service came in first? Listen to the podcast to find out!



Joyride Is An Audio Discovery App With Built-In Crowdfunding Support

CrowdfundingJoyride logo services are making a lot of podcasting news as of late. I learned today that a company called Joyride has been reaching out to podcasters to offer its services. I hadn’t heard of Joyride before, so I decided to look it up.

On its website, Joyride breaks its service down into two sides. One for listeners, the other for creators. The side for listeners is pretty straightforward. It showcases the Joyride Android app (iOS coming soon), stating that listeners can easily find over 100,000 shows. From there, it shows a collage of podcast artwork, featuring many popular shows like Serial, WTF and StarTalk Radio.

For creators, Joyride touts that it can helpĀ a podcaster to, “Engage with your audience of passionate listeners
to build a sustainable income and grow your business.” The website explains how Joyride works:

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