Women in Podcasting: Interview with Lorewalker Mazz’lu

Lorewalkers-Roundtable-Logo-Podcasting-NewsLorewalker Mazz’lu is the woman who started the Lorewalker’s Roundtable podcast. It is a podcast that focuses on the World of Warcraft game and the lore that goes along with it. There are plenty of World of Warcraft players who are podcasting news about upcoming changes in the game. Lorewalker’s Roundtable is different because it is for those who are interested in roleplaying in World of Warcraft.

When did you start podcasting? What’s your experience in podcasting from then until now?
I started back in August of 2013. When I started off, I honestly had no clue what I was doing, the show was very rough and quite horrible to listen to, but luckily I worked through those issues and it sounds pretty good now.

What inspired you to become a podcaster?
A good friend Jules was doing a wonderful podcast and it looked so fun and easy and I wanted to do it too. I felt that it was a good way to get my thoughts out there.

What made you want to make Lorewalker’s Roundtable one that is for World of Warcraft roleplayers?
When we started the show, there wasn’t a lot out there for Roleplayers to go to for questions or networking. I wanted to fill that gap in a bit.

What words of wisdom do you have for women who want get involved with podcasting?
Honestly, just dive on in. Don’t wade into that pool slowly, jump into the deep end. Learn as you go, don’t be afraid to make mistakes, learn from them. We all start off sounding like crap, just go for it. You WILL get better. As long as you are having fun, that’s the important thing.