Podcasting is DOOMED! – PCN Show 033

PCN iTunes artworkIn this episode, Shawn and Jen discuss the latest “podcasting is doomed” scenario by reviewing two articles that touch on it. Are they right? Or are they being overly dramatic? You decide!

We also talk about that list of most influential podcasters that received a lot of negative comments, point you toward good sources for music in your podcast, and wonder why someone would think that voicemail in podcasts is a new thing.

Links mentioned in this episode:

* E.W. Scripps Buys Podcast Company Stitcher
By Jon Gruber on Daring Fireball

* Large Podcast Advertising Company Buys Large Proprietary Podcast Player
By Marco Arment on Marco.org

* Find great music for your podcast
By AudioBoom on AudioBoom Blog

* The 22 Most Influential Women in Podcasting
By Alex Laughlin on Medium

* For its new personal finance podcast, FiveThirtyEight set up voicemail to hear from listeners
By Ricardo Bilton on NeimanLab

In the Biz – PCN Show 031

PCN iTunes artworkIn this episode, Shawn and Jen dig into some of the business related aspects of podcasting.

They discuss that New York Times article (and a response to it), take a look at stats, and inadvertently show just how much influence iTunes really has.

Links mentioned in this episode:

* Podcasts Surge, but Producers Fear Apple Isn’t Listening
By John Herrman on New York Times

* Apple’s actual role in podcasting: be careful what you wish for
By Marco Arment on Marco.org

* Where Are Your Podcast Listeners Tuning In? Blubrry Has Some Surprising Stats
By Blubrry Team on PowerPress Podcast

* Is the Name ‘Podcasting’ Hurting the Medium’s Growth?
By Seth Resler on Jacobs Media Strategies

* Why it’s bad that New York is sucking up the podcasting industry
By Adam Ragusea on Current