Medium Launched the Medium Playback Podcast

When you think of Medium, the first thing that likely comes to mind are the stories and articles that various writers post there. Some of those posts include audio, but many do not. People go to Medium to read interesting pieces of writing. As such, it may sound surprising that Medium has launched its own podcast.

Medium Playback is going to incorporate stories that have been posted on Medium. It is an interesting way to repurpose content that is already on the Medium website. A brief description of this new show is: “Medium’s first-ever podcast features your favorite writers, in their own words.”

Hear some of the best stories on Medium, straight from the authors who wrote them. On each episode of Medium’s flagship podcast, we invite an author to the studio to perform a recent story they wrote for Medium and then talk about it. Hosted by journalist Manoush Zomorodi and writer Kara Brown, Playback features insightful, first-person stories on timely topics affecting the world today – and then gives you the story behind the story from the writer.

This is not a new technique – Modern Love: The Podcast (from The New York Times) is composed of stories that were published in the weekly New York Times Modern Love column. One difference is that Modern Love the Podcast has celebrities read things that were written by other people.

Medium Playback will be publishing new episodes every other Wednesday this summer. A trailer has already been released.

Podcasting is DOOMED! – PCN Show 033

PCN iTunes artworkIn this episode, Shawn and Jen discuss the latest “podcasting is doomed” scenario by reviewing two articles that touch on it. Are they right? Or are they being overly dramatic? You decide!

We also talk about that list of most influential podcasters that received a lot of negative comments, point you toward good sources for music in your podcast, and wonder why someone would think that voicemail in podcasts is a new thing.

Links mentioned in this episode:

* E.W. Scripps Buys Podcast Company Stitcher
By Jon Gruber on Daring Fireball

* Large Podcast Advertising Company Buys Large Proprietary Podcast Player
By Marco Arment on

* Find great music for your podcast
By AudioBoom on AudioBoom Blog

* The 22 Most Influential Women in Podcasting
By Alex Laughlin on Medium

* For its new personal finance podcast, FiveThirtyEight set up voicemail to hear from listeners
By Ricardo Bilton on NeimanLab

More Than Microphones – PCN Show 030

PCN iTunes artworkIn this episode, Jen and Shawn discuss articles that give advice about the “behind the scenes” aspects of podcasting.

Topics include the importance of editing, the importance of filing your taxes correctly, and the importance of properly registering for an awards event.

Links Mentioned in this episode:

* The Podcast Awards List of Podcasts that Registered and Paid the $10 Registration Fee
Is your show on it?

* How to Design Podcast Cover Art That Will Attract New Listeners
By Alban Brooke on Medium

* The Importance of Editing to Your Podcast
By Ran Levi on Medium

* 5 Things Podcasters Need to Know About Taxes
By Blubbry Team on PowerPress Podcast

* Podcasting Up, Pandora Listening Down
By Radio Ink

Number One in iTunes – PCN Show 028

PCN iTunes artworkIn this episode, Shawn and Jen discuss misconceptions regarding iTunes “New and Noteworthy”, talk about something new from Audible, and point you toward some bizarre podcasts you may want to listen to.

Links Mentioned in this episode:

* There Is No #1 in iTunes Podcasts “New and Noteworthy”
By Daniel J. Lewis on The Audacity to Podcast

* Amazon’s Audible now lets you share audiobook snippets on Facebook and Twitter
By Jennifer Booton on Market Watch

* 37 Bizarre Podcasts – Mental Floss List Show Ep. 411
By Mike Rugnetto for Mental Floss

* 5 Tips To Create A Great Podcast Interview
By Todd Uterstaedt for Ringr

* What 8 Years of Podcasting Taught Me About Creating a Website for a Podcast
By Ran Levi on Medium

Off On A Tangent – PCN Show 026

PCN iTunes artworkShawn and Jen got into a lively discussion about podcasting that ended up going off on a tangent. They tried to rein things back in after that.

The tangent was actually related to podcasting, so it could have been worse.

Links mentioned in this episode:

* Data confirm that podcasting in the US is a white male thing
By Josh Morgan on Quartz

* The End of the Dark Ages of Podcasting
By Stephen Lacey on New Republic

* We’re Not In The Podcasting Renaissance. We’re In The Age of Discovery
By Stephen Lacey on The Timbre

* How We Got Em Rusciano’s Podcast to the Top of the iTunes Charts and How You Can Do It Too
By Omny Studio on Omny Studio Blog

* 8 Podcasts Prove That Women Dominated The Podcast Game in 2015
By Courtney Lindley on Bustle

* Making Story-Driven Podcasts on a Budget
By Wooden Overcoats on Medium

End of the Year Podcasting Wrap Up – PCN Show 025

PCN iTunes artworkShawn and Jen are back and bringing you an end of the year wrap up for podcasting.

We highlight “Best Of” lists, take a look at how podcasting has changed, and consider what is coming for podcasting in 2016.

Links mentioned in this episode:

* The Ten Most Popular Podcasts of 2015
By Lisa Eadicicco at TIME

* The Best Podcast Episodes of 2015
By Laura Jane Standley, Devon Taylor and Eric MacQuade at The Atlantic

* The 10 best new podcasts of 2015 (that aren’t Serial!)
By Melissa Locker at The Guardian

* How Podcasts Have Changed in Ten Years: By the Numbers
By Josh Morgan at Medium

* Could Facebook be the next big platform for podcasts?
By Laura Hazard Owen at Current

Meta Explosion – PCN Show 022

PCN iTunes artworkWe’ve decided to take things in a new direction with the Podcaster News Show, starting with this episode. Hosts Shawn Thorpe and Jen Thorpe will bring you a run-down of the podcasting related articles that we found interesting, but that didn’t get a write-up on the Podcaster News website.

Links Mentioned in this episode:

* Confessions of a Podcast Addict
By Rebecca Ladd at The Odyssey Online

* So You Wanna Make a Podcast/You Have a Review Request
By Captnq on Reddit

* NPR Editorial Training
A comprehensive guide to NPR’s editorial methods for content

* These 3D Printing Designers Used Podcasting To Create a Massive Audience Fast
By Cheryl Conner at Forbes

* 37 Podcasts So Meta, They All Cover the Topic of Podcasting Itself
By Harry Duran on Medium