The Podcast Brunch Club (PBD) is a community of engaged podcast listeners. Every month, PBD posts anywhere between one and five hours of podcast listening. It works kind of like a book club, and participants are encouraged to meet in face-to-face PBD chapters.
In January of 2019, the Podcast Brunch Club has selected podcasts that fit the topic: “Community Responses to Disability”. The listening list was curated by Sarah from the Baltimore chapter of the Podcast Brunch Club.
It is estimated that one billion people, or 15% of the world’s population, experience some form of disability. Over the years, there has been some progress in recognizing the importance of accessibility and inclusion, but our governments and workplaces and communities still have much to do to embrace and empower people with disabilities.
The podcast selections are:
The Memory Palace– Outliers (9 minutes long – from March of 2018)
99% Invisible– Curb Cuts (45 minutes long – from May of 2018)
Joyriding in Autismland– Andrew Solomon (21 minutes long – from February of 2014)
She and Her– Disability is Her Beast (15 minutes – from June 2018)
Visit the Podcast Brunch Club website for more information about each of these episodes and to find out where to get them.