Pirates, Wrestlers, and Runners – PCN 036

PCN iTunes artworkIn this episode, Shawn and Jen talk about pirates that steal other people’s audio content. We review some options about what you can do if your content is stolen, and point out a site that tends to end up with a lot of stolen content.

We also talk about why it is a good idea to listen to a podcast while you are running. And we finish the show with a nice story about a podcaster who participated in the Rio Olympics.

Links mentioned in this episode:

* Takedown or Shakedown Notices: What You Need To Know About DMCA and Podcasts
By Attorney Barry Kantz on PowerPress Podcast

* When Will Youtube Deal With Its Audiobook and Podcast Piracy Problem?
By Ryan Holiday on Observer

* Tracking metrics expected to improve as podcasts grow
By April Simpson on Current

* Running is the perfect time for podcasts
By Carolee Belkin Walker on TribLive

* Love of wrestling leads Jason Bryant from Poquoson to public-address announcer at Rio Olympics
By Marty O’Brien on Daily Press

The Unskippable Episode – PCN 035

PCN iTunes artworkIn this episode, Shawn and Jen discuss the dream of all advertisers who place their ads on podcasts – the unskippable episode.

The advertisers are super interested in finding some way to know, for certain, how many listeners actually heard their ad (and how many skipped right over it). This motivation values ads more highly than the content of your podcast.

In addition, we give you a really good example of how to advertise your podcast without annoying people. It takes a little creativity, but has great potential. We also poke at the concept of getting to the top of iTunes.

Links mentioned in this episode:

* Podcasting Has an Ad-Skipping Problem, Too
By Stephen Perlberg on The Wall Street Journal

* May the Podcast Marketing Be With You
By Mathew Passy on PodToPod

* Podcasting and the Big Picture, Part 2: Simple Tweaks to Increase Your Traffic
By Blubrry Team on PowerPress Podcast

* Podcast stats: what we (don’t) know
By James Cridland on Asia Radio Today

* How to Take Your Podcast to the Top Rank on iTunes
By Podcast Engineers at Podcast Engineers

Engaged Audience – PCN Show 032

PCN iTunes artworkIn this episode, Shawn and Jen ended up repeatedly coming back to the concept of an “engaged audience”.

We touch on why you need one, how to keep it, and why ads are more tolerable for engaged listeners than for listeners who aren’t invested in your podcast.

Links mentioned in this episode:

* Podcasting? Why Now?
By Kerri Hoffman on Media Post

* Podcasts Experiment With Paid Subscriptions
By Steven Perlberg on Wall Street Journal

* ComScore Says People Prefer Ads in Podcasts Over Any Other Digital Medium
By Marty Sweet on AdWeek

* NPR Expects to ‘More Than Double’ Its Podcast Revenue This Year
By Lauren Johnson on AdWeek

* 6 Ways To Take A Break From Podcasting Without Losing Your Audience
By Blubrry on PowerPress Podcast

In the Biz – PCN Show 031

PCN iTunes artworkIn this episode, Shawn and Jen dig into some of the business related aspects of podcasting.

They discuss that New York Times article (and a response to it), take a look at stats, and inadvertently show just how much influence iTunes really has.

Links mentioned in this episode:

* Podcasts Surge, but Producers Fear Apple Isn’t Listening
By John Herrman on New York Times

* Apple’s actual role in podcasting: be careful what you wish for
By Marco Arment on Marco.org

* Where Are Your Podcast Listeners Tuning In? Blubrry Has Some Surprising Stats
By Blubrry Team on PowerPress Podcast

* Is the Name ‘Podcasting’ Hurting the Medium’s Growth?
By Seth Resler on Jacobs Media Strategies

* Why it’s bad that New York is sucking up the podcasting industry
By Adam Ragusea on Current

More Than Microphones – PCN Show 030

PCN iTunes artworkIn this episode, Jen and Shawn discuss articles that give advice about the “behind the scenes” aspects of podcasting.

Topics include the importance of editing, the importance of filing your taxes correctly, and the importance of properly registering for an awards event.

Links Mentioned in this episode:

* The Podcast Awards List of Podcasts that Registered and Paid the $10 Registration Fee
Is your show on it?

* How to Design Podcast Cover Art That Will Attract New Listeners
By Alban Brooke on Medium

* The Importance of Editing to Your Podcast
By Ran Levi on Medium

* 5 Things Podcasters Need to Know About Taxes
By Blubbry Team on PowerPress Podcast

* Podcasting Up, Pandora Listening Down
By Radio Ink