RedCircle Offers Programmatic Advertising

RedCircle announced that it officially offers programmatic advertising for their incredible community of creators. In partnership with Adswizz, they have developed a fully scalable monetization solution that individually optimizes each listener’s ad experience while putting more money in RedCircle creator’s pockets.

Programmatic advertising is very similar to streaming music ads. Pre-recorded ads will automatically be inserted into your predesignated ad insertion points. The more ad insertion points, the more opportunities for you to earn money.

Programmatic ads can be enabled on all podcasts with 500+ weekly downloads. The programmatic ad marketplace allows brands to bid at scale on a given amount of downloads. This process is almost instantaneous! As listeners download your show, our platform will assess how many available ad blocks there are and allow brands to dynamically insert their ads based on your show’s content and opted in categories. The beauty of it all is that two listeners could download the same episode at the same time and get an entirely different set of ads targeted directly to them.

Podcasters who are interested in enabling programmatic advertising on their RedCircle podcasts should go through the RedCircle Ad Platform (RAP). You can opt-into Host-Read and programmatic ads by going to the advertising section of your account.

The specific aspects of programmatic ads that RedCircle needs from you are: Your show’s primary category, and any advertising categories that you wish to exclude from playing on your show. The example RedCircle gives is if you don’t want political ads, you can check “Politics” as one of your exclusions.