Host of Tax Season Podcast Charged with Murder

Earlier this year, the host of the Tax Season podcast was charged on a federal weapons possession charge that was tied to the May 2016 shooting at Irving Plaza in Manhattan. Recently, The New York Times reported that he has now been charged with Murder.

The host of the Tax Season Podcast used the stage name Taxstone, but his real name is Daryl Campbell. It is not unusual for a podcast host to use a name other than their real name. People who podcast about video games often use the name of their main character. The Tax Season podcast was not about video games, nor was it about taxes. It was a podcast about hip-hop artists.

On July 13, 2017, The New York Times reported that Daryl Campbell had been charged with murder in connection to a shooting that took place during a T.I. Concert at Irving Plaza in Manhattan last year. Daryl Campbell pleaded not guilty before Justice Maxwell Wiley in New York Supreme Court. Kenneth Montgomery, (who is Daryl Campbell’s lawyer) stated that they are going to fight the charges.

According to The New York Times: “Last month, Mr. Campbell pleaded guilty in federal court to receiving a firearm by interstate commerce with the intent to commit a felony and possessing a firearm as a felon. He faces 20 years in prison when he is sentenced on those charges.” There’s a lot more to the story, and I will leave you read The New York Times article if you want more details.

Host of Tax Season Podcast Charged in Connection to Shooting

Podcasting has become very popular over the years, and many people point to the success of the Serial podcast as the reason why. Maybe it was only a matter of time before a podcaster was charged with a crime that could potentially become the focus of a future season of Serial. A podcast host has been charged in regards to a shooting that took place in New York City.

The Associated Press reported that Daryl Campbell (also known as Taxstone) has been charged on a federal weapons possession charge tied to the May 2016 shooting at Irving Plaza in Manhattan. Taxstone is the host of the Tax Season podcast.

NBC New York reported that rapper Roland Collins (also known as Troy Ave) and two others were wounded, and that Collins’ friend and bodyguard, Ronald McPhatter, was shot dead.

The shooting took place at the Irving Plaza concert venue shortly before the rapper T.I. was to preform. It does not appear that T.I. had anything to do with the shooting.  Reuters reported that federal prosecutors brought two weapons charges against Taxstone, but that Taxstone had not been charged with the killing itself.

Billboard reported that a judge placed Daryl Campbell on house arrest, meaning he is only allowed to leave his home to record his Tax Season podcast. Other work-related trips will require a judge’s approval. Billboard also reported that Campbell’s lawyer has appealed that ruling.