Tell Me Something I Don’t Know Podcast has Launched

tell-me-somthing-i-dont-know-logoTell Me Something I Don’t Know is a New York Times podcast that recently launched in collaboration with Dubner Productions. It is hosted by Stephen J. Dubner of Freakonomics Radio and co-author of the Freakonomics book series.

Tell Me Something I Don’t Know is described as equal parts game show, talk show, and brain-tease, in which audience members present an “IDK” (an “I Don’t Know) – something that other people might not know – to a panel of celebrities and experts from business, the arts, science, politics, sports, and academia. The panel will gently interrogate each guest presenter. The goal is to make everyone a bit smarter than they were before.

The podcast will be taped before a live audience in New York City and then distributed globally via podcast and other media. It will combine the reach and expertise of The New York Times with the success of Freakonomics Radio, which has 7 million monthly downloads and airs on nearly every major public radio station.

Those of you who want to present an “IDK” to a panel of experts during a live episode of Tell Me Something I Don’t Know can fill out a form with your “mind blowing fact”. Be prepared to list how you know that information and to list sources or otherwise verify your idea. At the bottom of the form, there is a list of upcoming dates when the podcast will be presented to a live audience (and recorded).