MOME Created a Report About the Podcasting Industry

The New York City Mayor’s Office of Media and Entertainment (MOME) created a report called “New York City, The Podcasting Capital”. It mainly focuses on New York City’s podcasting industry. Here are some facts from the report.

This report, from the New York City Mayor’s Office of Media and Entertainment (MOME), celebrates the expansion of MOME’s portfolio into the podcast industry. It tracks the rise of podcasting generally, details the emergence of New York City as an epicenter of the industry, and highlights both the industry’s challenges and opportunities for continued growth.

New York City’s podcast networks are growing rapidly, reflecting the huge national audience of 42 million weekly listeners. According to the report, employment at the top New York City podcast networks has increased over the past several years, from about 450 people in 2015 to about 600 people in early 2017.

In 2015, the top four New York City networks alone produced about 115 podcasts. That number has exploded, and today, these networks are responsible for almost 200 podcasts, an increase of nearly 75 percent.

Those four networks represent over 1.3 billion downloads in 2016. This represents an enormous increase from 2013-2015, when there were 199 million annual downloads.

In 2017, an estimated 112 million people over the age of 12 had listened to a podcast at least once, representing 40% of the American population. There are an estimated 67 million monthly podcast listeners, most of whom are between the ages of 18-54.

65% of podcast listeners remember advertisements they’ve heard in the past day.

Between 2015 and 2016, podcast advertising grew at a rate of 72 percent. It is estimated that the total advertising spend in podcasting in 2017 will near $220 million.

There are an estimated 67 million monthly podcast listeners, mostly of whom are between the ages of 18-54. This is a twofold increase in listenership from 2013, when only 23 million Americans had listened to a podcast in the past month.

The most engaged podcasts consumers – weekly listeners – numbered about 42 million people in 2017. On average, these consumers listen to five podcasts a week, for over five hours a week.